I usually post cartoons one week later, but somehow I got out of order earlier this week so this one is from the day I missed. Does anyone care? Me thinks not.
Little Danny Piraro was a big proponent of the not-hanging-anything-over-the-edge-of-your-bed-lest-something-
grab-it theory of childhood bed behavior. More than once, I was certain I heard something under the bed. I wasn't the sort to believe in monsters (my parents always taught me there were no such things as monsters and ghosts, but there was a devil in Hell and millions of flying people with halos in Heaven – mixed message?) but I was concerned about murderers who might sneak into the house and wait for me to go to bed. Without my hanging a hand or foot over the edge, they'd be powerless, of course, and have to sneak out of the house in defeat.
Danny 1 Murderer 0