Dear readers of my blog,
The more observant of you will notice there is more than one cartoon posted today and the more inquisitive of this subset of observant types will wonder why. I'll keep you in suspense no longer by saying it is because I won't be posting for the next few days and wanted to leave you with a little something extra.
I'm on my way to Hollywood this evening, no, not to star in the next Ron Howard blockbuster about the hidden symbols in my cartoons being clues that lead to the identity of Jesus's secret lover, who begat his child, which then led to a series of begatting resulting in none other than founding father, Benjamin Franklin, who left secret clues to a previously unknown companion document to the Declaration of Independence, the Proclamation of Philly Party Spots. Instead, I'm going to the National Cartoonists Society annual convention.
The convention marks the weekend after the fortnight during which hundreds of professional cartoonists from all over North America work their asses off to get ahead on deadlines so they can arrive dead tired and ready for a weekend of irresponsible alcohol consumption. Should be fun.
The cartoons herein are fun, I think. I have fond memories of my own Wooly Willy from childhood, and the time I brought it to school in the sixth grade, it went missing, and I innocently asked the teacher, "Have you seen my Wooly Willy?" The principal later explained to me in the privacy of his office, why this alarmed her.
The Minnie joke is fun for me because it walks a dangerous line of litigation. While parodies are legal, Disney loves to sue–especially when the parodies have sexual connotations. There is no express sexual content to this cartoon, but you have to admit that Minnie has a nice rack.

My next post will be on Tuesday, May 26, I hope to see you all here again then. In the meantime, have a weekend worthy of a sheik.
Your humble servant,
Mr. Piraro