I got the idea for this cartoon from seeing a picture of Randy's Donuts in Los Angeles. From there, I leapt to the not-uncommon belief that aliens helped build some of the wonders of the ancient world like the pyramids and soforth, and arrived at this joke.
A day or two after it ran in the paper, I got a nice email from a couple of groovniks whose last name is "Oh," and who had used this pic of themselves for their holiday card one year. I asked if I could post it on my blog and they said no, but I did it anyway because I am an inconsiderate ass. One of the fringe benefits of having no money or assets is that you don't care if people sue you.
I changed the name of the donut place because I figure Randy is famous enough without my help. How could you not be famous with a huge donut on your roof?
(NOTE: I lied. My new friends, the Ohs, did give me consent to post this picture of them so I am not the inconsiderate ass I pretended to be above. Please go back to thinking of me as a role model of civility and compassion.)