I've visited this theme before but can't seem to get enough. I don't know enough about the history of comic book superheroes to know how this got started, but I assume that at some point someone decided to dress these guys this way and the whole thing just got out of hand.
I can imagine coming up with a hero like Superman (was he the first of this sort?) and designing his powers (flying, strength, x-ray vision) constructing his past (alien planet on verge of collapse, father sends baby into space to save him) creating his life on Earth (newspaper reporter, mild-mannered do-gooder). But when it comes time to decide how he will dress, what in the galaxy of possibilities makes you then decide to go with what is essentially a ballet costume with curtains?
Once the trend starts, other artists build on the concept and before you know it, you've got a gay pride parade. I have long suspected there was quite a lot of thinly disguised homosexuality going on with comic book heroes (not that there's anything wrong with that), and I was not the first to think so. I am amused any time someone can sneak "subversiveness" past censors and trot it out for the unsuspecting mainstream.