This cartoon is not from one week ago today, as is my usual habit. It is, instead, from my new book of pirate cartoons called, "Bizarro Buchaneers – Nuttin' But Pirate Cartoons."
It's the perfect gift for Xmas, Christmas, Hanukkah, Chanukah, Kwanza, Quiznos, Boxing Day, Schmoxing Day, and I'm Sorry Your Candidate Lost the Election Day.
It's cheap for a hardcover book, too, only $10. Even in this hideous economy, $10 for a gift that will keep on giving is gypsy cheap. My suggestion is to buy one for everyone on your holiday list and black out the price on the back cover. They'll think you spent a fortune. Every cartoon is in color, too.
It's available now at better books stores everywhere and lots of crappy book stores, too. Here's what the cover looks like: