Arrrr! Come to my book signing on Saturday, October 4 in Raleigh and get a SIGNED copy of my new book, all full of nothing but pirate cartoons.
I'll also do a little comedy shtick of some sort, in the form of an author reading. That part is free and the book is only $10. For a normal person that would be enough, but I can't let my readers go home not feeling they got more of me than they ever wanted, so I'll even draw a little picture in it for you, put your name, sign mine, and add a firecracker (or the icon of your choice!) I'll even take a picture with you if you have a camera. The fun will be almost like Carnival in Rio. But without the nudity. At least on my part.
You can even order an advance copy on line and pick it up when you get there.
Quail Ridge Books & Music
3522 Wade Ave
Raleigh, NC 27607
(919) 828-1588