This cartoon by Francesco (Dr. Bling, to his posse), isn't one that is meant to make you laugh out loud, but makes a great point in an amusing way. I like it a lot because I hate companies like Wal-Mart, and the general "corporatization" of America.
The Neo Cons began handing the country over to corporations in a huge way in 2002, though it has been a growing trend for decades. Corporations are by definition, amoral. Morals are something humans have (ideally), a corporation is a non-human entity the sole purpose of which is to make money. Making money is not always a bad thing, we all do it, but when a corporation can make bigger profits by abusing workers, animals, the earth, your health, it is almost its obligation to do so. While executives make record profits, pollution goes up, worker's rights and wages go down (or overseas), public health suffers, and the legal rights of citizens to defend themselves against the monolith are diminished.
With their limitless coffers, corporations continue to influence government to legislate in their favor, and the problem gets worse. They all but "buy" election results by putting their huge resources behind candidates who will give them their way. Before long, the corporation IS the government. Next thing you know, the Three Little Pigs are losing their house to crooked mortgage practices and you're in jail as a terrorist for taking a picture of a facility where animals are being abused for profit.
Damn, another blog complaining about the government instead of making you laugh. Sorry kids. Try this.