Last week in newspapers, which is this week on the blog, I had/have a guest cartoonist. A handful of other cartoonists have done this before so I thought I'd try it. I've been coming up with 7 cartoons per week since 1985, without a vacation (unless I work double time beforehand, in which case I am too mentally exhausted to spend my vacation anywhere but a convalescent home) and felt I could use a break. It was terrific to have a week off and know that my feature was in the hands of a great cartoonist and a good friend.
I got varying emails and comments on this blog from those who liked or didn't like Francesco's work. That's to be expected, of course. But sadly for Francesco, it is an unfortunate trait of the human monkey that we are more motivated to speak out if we dislike something than if we like it. So this week, I'd love it if a few of you who like Francesco's cartoons could leave a quick comment.
I love this joke because I raised a couple of daughters on Sesame Street (you didn't expect me to teach them to count and read myself, did you? I'm an important man with important things to do!) and remember a time when only Big Bird could see Snuffleupagus.
Last Friday, over our weekly hookah pipe, Francesco told me that they decided at some point that others should see Snuffy, too, so that Big Bird's experiences would not teach children to keep quiet about abuse because adults won't listen anyway. Who knew children's programming was so complex? He also said that Mr. Rogers wore a sweater because he suffered from abnormally erect nipples that could be seen through virtually any shirt, and Kermit the Frog was sent from Sesame Street to The Muppet Show because he couldn't keep is 3-foot-long tongue off of Maria. Kermit being a devout Muslim, Miss Piggy was safe from his meandering mouth organ.
I also have had a lot of experience with anti-psychotic drugs, so this joke spoke to me on many levels.
Check out Francesco's blog here (my recent fave is the Wal-Mart memorandum) and other cartoons here. (My recent faves are July 22 & 23 and August 1 & 4) Some of his cartoons are not appropriate for kids under the age where their parents don't mind them reading so-called profanity.