
Today's Bizarro is brought to you by Parade Magazine.

If you look very closely at the cartoon at left you may detect two subtle differences from the Bizarro cartoons I usually post here: it is horizontal instead of vertical, it is not in color.

How did you score? Give yourself two points for two correct answers, one point if you got one answer right, and if you could see no difference whatsoever between this cartoon and the usual Bizarro panels on this blog, stop reading now and take your meds.

As I've mentioned here before, I sell non-Bizarro cartoons to Parade Magazine and they publish them fairly regularly. The Spider-man one was particularly popular, so I thought I'd share it here. At right is another one that I like a lot, the basic concept for which came from a good friend of mine, Cliff Harris. He and I are collaborating on a children's book. (He's writing the book, I'm looking for children to buy it.) The book has nothing to do with this cartoon, however.

I'll let you know how it goes.