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Some readers of this "blog," as I like to call it, have expressed an interest in seeing some of my unpublished work. So today I bring you two pages from a sketchbook from 1997. I'd lost this book for years and worried mightily about it, but just discovered it in my basement a couple of weeks ago. Thank goodness.

Like most of my sketchbook drawings, these images were produced by starting out in the middle of the page somewhere, with no real idea in mind. I draw whatever comes to mind, then add to it until the page is filled. I guess you could call it stream of consciousness. They aren't meant to mean anything, of course, but these kinds of images are among my favorites that I've ever done. I still enjoy looking at them years later.
This particular sketchbook is very small, about 5"x7". To see the images full size, come to my house. Or just click on the images.