The flag pin issue is one of my pet peeves. In fact, anything to do with flags drives me batty.
Every time the self-proclaimed super patriots try to pass the flag desecration amendment, as the did back in the eighties, and again in the nineties, and again in the '00s, I just shake my head and wonder. Confusing the principals this country was founded on for the graphic symbol that symbolizes them is not just idiotic, in my opinion, but dangerous. As soon as you turn the flag into a holy relic, you leave behind the principals it stands for.
Currently, we have a nation full of people who believe that plastering their bodies, cars, and homes with a graphic symbol is the single most important thing they can do to help soldiers being shot at half a world away. Getting them out of the line of fire never occurs to them. Voting for politicians who are willing to say the emperor has no clothes is unthinkable. More flags, we need more flags. God bless our holy design.
Here is a cartoon I did a while ago about the same subject.