The basic idea for this cartoon came from an odd character up in Rhode Island who calls himself Derek. He writes cartoons all the time and sends me seemingly thousands every couple of hours. If you've sent me an email recently that was returned because my inbox was full, it was likely one of Derek's massive submissions that did it.
Most are pretty good, but not appropriate for Bizarro, for one reason or another. But when I spot one I can use, I like to give it breath, and this is one of those. Because puns are the simplest and most common form of humor, I tend to shy away from them unless they are very strange, terrifically unexpected, make me laugh out loud, or are in some other way unique. This one hit me as very funny, and still does. Hope you like it, my bloggy buddies.
Oh crap, after writing all that I just noticed this isn't really a pun. Why did I think that?